Women Empowerment

In the every society in the world, role and rights of women & men were never same. Women were never looked at as equals in any society in the world. The social structure in the present society gives more power and resources to men than women. Women have always been confined to the traditional occupation of home making. Women in developed countries enjoy better facilities and liberty than their counterparts in the developing countries. Even though women work hand in hand with men in the villages in the agricultural and other activities, they are never considered equal.

Women empowerment depends on educational, social, economical, political and various other factors. Only through proper legislation and strict implementation of the law these factors can be achieved. Women empowerment can be measured only when they are given equal participatory powers in legislation and when they become economically independent. And this can only be achieved by improving their educational background and reaching a level at which they are able to make decisions.

VSA provides girls a safe and healthy environment to address social, emotional and educational deficits by offering a continuum of services that empower them to become self- sufficient young women who contribute to their communities.

The Empowerment of the women in the field of SHG, Vocational training and education would solve most of their problems and give them self sufficiency.

The focus of this Project was to create opportunities for marginalized women and to ensure livelihood for them on basis of involving the person with their inherent abilities and provide accommodations as per their needs.

SHG Formation and Training:

Self Help Groups are considered to be the foundation stones of any micro social structure, where women are given preferences with this idea in mind the organization provides training for SHG formation in different parts of Deoria District. The villages in which this programme was introduced had never seen a novel idea like this before and the village folk were amazed at the very idea of an organized SHG. In order to carry forward the advantages of SHGs and to spread the awareness on the matter a training programme is conducted in each village. The content of the training programme is formation of SHGs, management & administration, record maintenance, member selection procedure, and duties & responsibilities of each member.

Income Generation Programme

For the empowerment of women in the rural area, as well as in the urban areas, economic independence is an unavoidable factor, only those women who are economically independent can said to be empowered. Keeping this in mind, the organization came up with the idea of income generation programme for the rural women in the above said area. Income generation in any particular area has to go hand in hand with the resources and marketability of the particular area. So, the organization provides training women in villages of Deoria.

Besides this as an experimental measure, training in kitchen Gardening is also given to women in villages in the above said District.

Education for All

Education is considered as the key to the development of the society. It provides healthy atmosphere for the growth of any society. Keeping it in mind the educational situation in rural India especially among the SC/ST and other minority groups, VSA conducts various activities at the village, block and district levels to promote awareness and development on education.

VSA’s current education programme is benefiting 200 (80% girls) marginalised children directly and more than 3000 children through advocacy for quality education in government schools. The major contribution of VSA education programme includes providing education to the most marginalised children, promoting greater community participation in school monitoring & management, training of teachers, community leaders and stakeholders to develop sensitivity on social issues; increasing access to education for girls; and advocacy for quality education at local and state level. Furthermore, VSA was able to mobilise Parents Teacher’s Associations, Village Education Committees and Education Department Officials to improve the functioning of 12 Government schools. The mobilisation and advocacy efforts resulted in a reduction in the pupil teacher ratio in these schools, improved drinking water and sanitation facilities and increase in the enrolment and learning levels of children, particularly girls.

Awareness campaign against child labour

Child labour is one of the worst forms of slavery; despite of several laws to abolish it, the phenomena not only exist but also steadily increase in many new forms. There are various reasons for this social evil major one being poverty and ignorance. There are over 6 crores of child labours in India.

This is the vicious circle in which the rural poor move around with no escape. There are various industries in which the children are employed but in the Deoria district we can find children working mostly in Brick Kiln, agriculture, domestic, hotel/restaurants garages, and work as rickshaw pullers.

For prevention and eradication of child labour VSA conducted some activities like non-formal education, vocational training, income generating programme for mothers of child labourers with local people.

‘SANKALP’ an integrated slum development programme

SANKALP is a VSA initiative touching the lives of 1000 families of slum area Sanjay Colony, South Delhi. VSA enable the following:

  • Remedial and computer education for children and youth.

  • Non-formal education/streamlining of non-school going children into regular schools.

  • Vocational guidance/training for skill development amongst youth.

  • Health Awareness programmes on Reproductive Health (RCH), STD and AIDS prevention.

  • Counseling for women and adolescents.

  • Effective waste management and sensitization of slum dwellers on cleanliness and personal and public hygiene.

  • Conversion of open-air waste dumps into a playground for children.

  • Construction of roads and toilets by MCD, maintained by the residents.

Vocational Training and Skill Development " Samarth"

VSA runs a Training and Information centre for marginalized women/Adolescent girls to provide vocational training which is known as ‘Samarth’. Samarth (a unit of Self Help Group) is governed by working women of unorganized sector mostly labourers that create opportunities for themselves to earn livelihood by utilising their inherent abilities and provides accommodations as per their needs. The underlying principle of this Project is creating livelihood opportunities for marginalized women and Adolescent girls, ensuring their involvement in the process, and promoting their inherent abilities and providing equal opportunities as per their needs. VSA trained 24 girls every year in different vocational skills like beauty culture, tailoring, Bags making, candle Making and computer through its vocational training programme ‘Samarth’.

Samarth is engaged in making products such as Greeting cards, Diaries, photo frames, Bags, Folders, chocolate Boxes, Baskets, candles, Organic Aroma Gulal & colour ,other fancy gifting cloth and Jute Items.

Smiles for Miles

Enhancing Skills of marginalized children and youth through vocational and Computer Training

The basic knowledge of computer skills is very important in today’s environment because everything is centered on technology. Computer literacy is also important because of the changing work environment and capacity building is the prime priority of education which is not possible without Computer Literacy. Indian Corporate sectors has been also playing very vital role to enhance education quality through their Corporate Social Responsibility

Lack of proper skill trainings and employment opportunities for deprived youth has increased unskilled labour practices and rate of migration which has in turn enhanced vulnerability and social insecurity amongst youth.

The demand for skill based jobs has been at its high due to boom in retail, hospitality and BPO sectors in the country; as a result there are number of skill oriented courses operational in the length and breadth of the country. However, access to such courses by the youth coming from poor communities is very low due to various socio-economic problems.

Alternative Education Services focus on mainstreaming

VSA education programs aim to provide skills, knowledge, techniques and opportunities which enables people to know their rights and reach their full potential. A major part of the educational project interventions are consisted of strategies for mainstreaming children into the formal schooling system. The process are to teach the children the basics and orient them with the school curriculum so that, when they had attained the required knowledge, they could be admitted to a formal school as per their age and ability to cope in a formal school setup.

These centers cover around 30-40 non-school going children, providing basic education (teaching basic reading, writing and counting). These centers are started where there no schools or the schools are already overcrowded. In these centers more than 1200 children were completed their course and enrolled in formal school for higher education.

Remedial Education

The objective of remedial education is to give additional help to disadvantage students who for one reason or another, have fallen behind the rest of the class in subjects of science, English mathematics. The children with learning difficulties have the same psychological needs and characteristics as other children. We care about these children and try to understand thoroughly their strengths and weaknesses in order to provide appropriate teaching approaches to meet their individual needs. Although these children are low academic achiever, they aren’t necessarily in limited in abilities or their attainment will remain permanently low. With proper remedial help, the use of stimulating teaching strategies and closer supervision and more individual attention, these children interest in learning will be aroused and they would make better progress.

Promotion of Inclusive Education

Disability are one of the most vulnerable sections of society as they are subject to a number of problems- discriminated in terms of nutrition, education, employment, dignity, isolation and despair. Every person including a person with disability) has the right to living life to the fullest with equitable access to opportunities and services.

An estimated 70 million disabled Indians are treated as second-class citizens and are forced to confront segregation, discrimination, barriers and stereotypes. An entire range of disability issues -- such as the causes of disability, care, rehabilitation, empowerment, mainstreaming through education, employment, health care, and transportation – wait to be practically resolved. The Disability Rights Initiative is recognized as the only one of its kind in providing a comprehensive range of socio-legal support services to India’s disabled community.

We work towards enabling the disabled to develop their potential and face the world on equal terms. Our programmes promote:

  • Recognition of the equal rights of the disabled
  • Inclusive Education in mainstream schools
  • Self-reliance through independent mobility and vocational education
  • Employment generation
  • Physical, psychological and medical rehabilitation of the disabled

Facilitate people about government schemes and facilities for disabled persons. member selection procedure, and duties & responsibilities of each member.

Girls Going to School initiative

VSA’s belief that education is the key to holistic development and empowerment and that an educated girl is the foundation of a healthy and progressive nation, the first phase of the initiative focuses on this critical ingredient. VSA embarked on the “Girls Going to School” initiative, a unique programme being done in partnership with community stakeholders at village level.

The initiative seeks to create a sustainable model which ensures the successful completion of primary education of girls through relevant and quality education in a span of five years. It focuses on addressing discrimination issues that lead to gender disparity in education amongst the underprivileged sections of society in rural areas.

The Green School

A sustainable approach towards environmental education

The program aims to empower the participants and provide a platform to students who are unaware or aware about the environment crisis facing us today. The students play a catalytic role, learn to carry out activities, which otherwise would not have been possible for them. This develops a leader who is willing to work for the cause of environment. Through this program students will become more aware and positive towards environment conservation.

The Green School Project has a tremendous opportunity for children to learn about ecological sustainability, environmental health, nutrition, personal responsibility, and leadership through their hands–on participation in making their own schools healthier, more efficient, sustainable, and pleasant centres for learning. The Project, a mix of demonstration through projects being implemented at school level and getting the students involved on a regular basis, supports in continual learning.

VSA has been actively involved with school going students in imparting them with Environment Education. It is very necessary to enlighten children on the importance of the Environment in our lives and educate them, how no human being or animal can survive without good quality air, plants and water. Conducting Green School Environment Program is a way of circulating accurate information, and to turn children into conscious & responsible citizens of the country. Conducting programs in schools informs not only the students, but also the parents and the teachers.

  • Waste Management
  • Improving Green cover
  • Grow a Garden
  • Recycling of solids and waste water
  • Clean drive
  • Tree Plantation Drive
  • Composting and Kitchen garden
  • Take a Pledge
  • Training of teachers and Prakriti Leaders
  • Green School Kit-Awareness and training
  • Publish a Magazine (Sandesh)

Creating an Eco-system

Propose an inclusive method that brings the school community together around a common purpose

  • Build a protective environment
  • Create Pollution free nature
  • Improve ecological footprint
  • Develop creativity and better understanding among the children
  • Provide appropriate environment and opportunities to the students.
  • Reduce pollution – it’s no secret that pollution is incredibly bad, not just for the environment, but also for human health, so reducing pollution should be top of the list for any eco-conscious person.
  • Reduce resources consumption – many of our resources on earth are finite, so reducing consumption and eliminating waste is also important.
  • Conserve natural resources and forests – forests absorb greenhouse gases, help to stabilize the climate and are key to helping tackle climate change.
  • Promote eco-friendly living and personal responsibility – going green isn’t just about saving the environment, it’s also about learning

Sustainable Development and Climate Action

VSA is working in various schools, villages and communities on Sustainable Development goals and Climate change mitigation. We are conducting regularly the waste management, Tree plantation, Environmental Education and awareness programme with the villagers in Deoria district. Our team trained them how can do composting by individual basis and school. Also we are doing cleanliness and tree plantation drives at multiple locations in Deoria district, which now taken care off by the local people and schools. These projects encourages young people to play a proactive role as change maker in the society with environment protection to a sustainable future for all. They are citizens tomorrow and they are the future leaders to protect our nature and natural resources for survival of life on earth.

Environment & Health- Sanitation Programme

VSA works to improve quality of life through good hygiene practices, improve the health and well-being of communities, access to clean drinking water and raise awareness of the sanitation crisis.

For this VSA efforts to organize capacity building workshop and training, health Mela and organizing school comptitions etc.

HIV/AIDS Prevention

HIV/AIDS Prevention and Reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS through people participation.

VSA conducts drawing, speech and role-play competition in the local schools to generate awareness among the youth about HIV/AIDS. Under this campaign information is be given to the adolescent group of children of all government and non-government schools. Through which they can keep away themselves and their family from HIV/AIDS /STDs.